Tuesday 2 August 2011

Paint Your House With Perfection

Paint Your House With Perfection

Paint colors are very influential in not only changing the look of the house but also the mood of the people living in the house. It might be very easy to say "Paint my house red or yellow or blue". But the point is that even the simplest of shade like a white comes in a range of choices. Once you are acquainted with the language of color, choosing one for your house become all the easier.

Red, yellow and blue are the three primary colors that merge to give you the color you look for. Value is the amount of white, black or grey that is added to the primary color like a "Bright" yellow. Intensity is the method to measure the amount of brightness in a color. Low intensity colors are the main color used in a room and high intensity colors form the accents. Cool blue or warm yellow is what defines the temperature of the color.

If you are looking for all the above mentioned perfection in your house paint, hiring a professional house painter is a must. A thorough research on house painters can be done by consulting a friend who has hired one in the past and has had a good experience. Ensure that he has a contractor license, find out about the amount of time he has spent in the business. It is always advisable to get quotes from two or three house painters to ensure that they are not ripping you off..Before finalizing on one house painter, cross check with various authorities who have worked with that house painter in the past and check whether they have faced any difficulties or not. Check the earlier works of the painter and most importantly find out if he is a painter who specializes in home painting or commercial works.

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Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5409800

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